Made a list of all the things I'd planned to do this weekend. Have done almost none of them. Have procrastinated wildly, reading early entries on people's live-journals and blogs. Am missing Glen and Darren and am glad they're back in a few days. What with Mike in London, Martin in Sydney, and them overseas, I've been feeling a bit removed from the world. Will go and do housework now...
Hello, you are not allowed to post things like that. It is naughty and make me feel homesick. Tut tut.
I have been meaning to buy a phone card so I can call you so be prepared.
Going to see Terry Gilliam's new film on Monday. Seeing as i can't rely on you for preview screenings anymore I have had to tee up some of my own.
Did you do better than I?
I had a list one one(1) house-workerly task on the weekend.
I didn't do it.
I feel exactly the same way richard... I just wrote a very similar post with all the things I meant to do this weekend, and really I achieved almost nothing! It's frustrating, but you need time to do nothing sometimes too.
Mike: I am prepared - thanks for the warning. When are you coming home, by the way?
Elaine: I didn't do laundry, dishes, vaccuming, cleaning the bathroom, any of it. I did go to a protest and a couple of good parties though!
Tammiodo: You're so right. Sometimes veg-time is a necessity.
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